Memorial Drive Alliance
A new vision for our state conservation and recreation space
Our Mission
The Memorial Drive Alliance is a diverse group of Cambridge and Boston-area residents, community organizations, businesses, and government officials. We represent people of all ages who care deeply about the natural beauty and health of the Charles River and the ability of people to walk, run, and ride bicycles along Memorial Drive safely. We have a shared goal of making the Memorial Drive Parkway a beautiful, safe, vibrant, and climate resilient green corridor for all, for many generations to come.
In 2019, the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR), the agency that manages the Memorial Drive Parkway, initiated a “Phase III” planning process for Memorial Drive. Public outreach efforts came to a halt during the COVID-19 pandemic. Our growing coalition is now urging DCR to resume the community process, and encouraging the City of Cambridge and the State of Massachusetts to take advantage of this once-in-a-generation opportunity to improve Memorial Drive.
Our Two Asks:
1: Replace two motor vehicle travel lanes on Memorial Drive with protected multi-use paths along the full length of Memorial Drive.
This will allow sidewalks on both sides of Memorial Drive to be designated for pedestrian use only. Those paths should be widened and repaved so that they are safe and comfortable.
Specific recommendations:
Align vehicular speeds to the City of Cambridge speed limit.
Provide safer crossings between the riverfront and adjacent neighborhoods and business districts.
Provide a third vehicle lane for turning at major intersections
Redesign the BU Bridge rotary to reduce motor vehicle congestion, reduce bus delay, improve safety, and discourage non-resident traffic from driving through Cambridgeport.
2: Plant new trees wherever there are gaps and restore the iconic "sycamore allée".
New landscape design and construction should maximize canopy cover to shade walkways and bicycle lanes. A comprehensive landscape plan should include protection and ongoing care for existing trees, establish numerous additional tree plantings that are carefully selected and maintained and provide for optimal soil conditions throughout the length of Memorial Drive.
The Memorial Drive Alliance includes the following organizations:
A Better Cambridge
Bike Harvard
Boston Cyclists Union
Cambridge City Councillor Quinton Zondervan
Cambridge City Mayor Sumbul Siddiqui
Cambridge Committee on Public Planting
Cambridge Bicycle Safety
Cambridge Residents Alliance
Cambridge Urban Forestry Task Force
Charles River Conservancy
Friends of Memorial Drive
Friends of the Community Path Extension
Friends of the Grand Junction Path
Friends of the Mystic to Charles
Green Cambridge
Green Streets Initiative
LivableStreets Alliance
Longwood Area Cyclists
Mothers Out Front
People for Riverbend Park Trust
350 Cambridge - Somerville
Rt 16 Traffic Calming Coalition
Sierra Club MA
Somerville Alliance for Safe Streets
You or Your Organization Can Join Us!
Please join us by signing on below or emailing